
Showing posts from October, 2023

Summary Reader's Response Draft #3

BiVACOR’s Total Artificial Heart (TAH), featured on the website “Replacing Hearts. Restoring Lives.” (BiVACOR, n.d.), presents a groundbreaking long-term therapeutic option for individuals experiencing severe biventricular heart failure. This innovative solution is particularly beneficial for those in advanced stages of heart failure, either awaiting a heart transplant or in cases where transplantation is not feasible. The BiVACOR system comprises a rotor suspended using advanced magnetic levitation (MAGLEV), positioned between opposing pump enclosures. Its primary function is to assist both the left and right sides of the heart, made possible by impeller blades for each side attached to the revolving core. Activation of the core occurs through an electromagnetic motor and bearing configuration situated atop the pump enclosures, allowing precise control over circulation adjustment through a differential fluid discharge. With its revolutionary design and features, the introduction of Bi

Summary Reader's Response Draft 2

BiVACOR’s Total Artificial Heart (TAH), featured on the website “Replacing Hearts. Restoring Lives.” (BiVACOR, n.d.), presents a groundbreaking long-term therapeutic option for individuals experiencing severe biventricular heart failure. This innovative solution is particularly beneficial for those in advanced stages of heart failure, either awaiting a heart transplant or in cases where transplantation is not feasible. The BiVACOR system comprises a rotor suspended using advanced magnetic levitation (MAGLEV), positioned between opposing pump enclosures. Its primary function is to assist both the left and right sides of the heart, made possible by impeller blades for each side attached to the revolving core. Activation of the core occurs through an electromagnetic motor and bearing configuration situated atop the pump enclosures, allowing precise control over circulation adjustment through a differential fluid discharge. With its revolutionary design and features, the introduction of Bi